Mark A. Hoistad教授是美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校建筑学院教授,美国德克萨斯州、内布拉斯加州注册建筑师,首位美国建筑师协会奖章获得者。自2001年以来先后任建筑系主任、建筑景观系主任、建筑学院副院长等职务。主要研究领域为可持续城市设计及城市遗产再利用。Mark教授专业实践经验丰富,作为美国德克萨斯州、内布拉斯加州注册建筑师,设计项目遍布五大洲,在美国、亚洲、非洲等地建成众多高质量作品。
1、讲学题目:Sustainable Urbanism: finding balance inside change and complexity
Ever since planners began the process of embracing the goals and strategies of modernism, cities have been on a collision course with the environment. The ills of the Industrial Revolution, which both sparked the high carbon development patterns of modernism and began the degradation of the environment, has resulted in an unsustainable relationship between human settlement and the natural environment. To find a healthy balance with the planet, and foster a community that can sustain this balance, requires the reorientation of planning and design trajectories to be concerned with performance in the areas of survival, purpose, ecology and heritage. Survival to reconnect settlement to water, food and shelter as the foundation of settlement, purpose to connect human industry and innovation to the needs of settlement, ecology to integrate urbanism within the environment and heritage to critically consider the role the past has in defining the present and the future definition of place.
2、讲学题目:Case for Evolving Design Education
The disconnects between human settlement and the natural world, brought on by the Industrial Revolution and its embrace of science and technology, has created great environment challenges for contemporary society. These challenges require a different approach to design and design education that involves greater collaboration between disciplines, develops graduates with a perspective that has both disciplinary depth and the ability to make connections across and between disciplinary boundaries and adopts an different methodology that employs ‘design thinking’. This discussion will argue this emerging approach better situates design graduates to take on the wicked problems of our age. The Design Thinking methodology starts with problem definition developed through, observation, empathy and research, moves on to an ideation phase the explores options, this is followed by prototyping and testing in the quest to address the issue being explored.
3、讲学题目:Design Research Studio Case Study
Design Research Studio Case Study 1: Ag Eco Zhaung, Baoding, China
China had been experiencing a large unsanctioned migration of rural people into the cities. This was creating many social and economic problems for both the cities and rural areas. This studio examined strategies to address the challenges for rural areas. To achieve this goal, students explored a new development scenario that adopted an alternate economic strategy and embraced the principles of sustainable development.
Design Research Studio Case Study 2:Road Redevelopment, Tianjin, China
Redevelopment of Chinese cities had adopted an ‘erase and replace’ model that demolished large tracts of land in the city. In the process, many aspects of the cultural landscape of the city were being lost. This studio explored how an integrated approach that critically evaluated the existing environment and looked for strategies that would allow the blending of old and new could be employed.
Design Research Studio Case Study 3: Shibati Redevelopment; Chongqing, China
The urban condition in China is facing many problems at the same time as it pursues a modernization and redevelopment policy. China is facing an aging population, as a result of the one child policy. Add to this the increased mobility of the current generation of Chinese, and there appears to be a need for new housing configurations. This condition was layered on top of the redevelopment of a historic area that was shifting the city from a horizontal configuration to a vertical configuration disrupting the social fabric that the horizontal model had developed in Chinese cities. Added the these two factors was the growing problem of a sustainable food supply.
Design Research Studio Case Study 4: Brownfield Redevelopment, Shouguang; China and Tianjin, China
Redevelopment in China is not limited to former residential parts of the city. It also involves the transformation of former industrial areas into new uses. One of the pressing needs is the integration of new rural arrivals and the development of the support infrastructure necessary to receive them in their new homes. These studios explored the integration of market rate and affordable housing along with the development of social and technical infrastructure required to create sustainable development in the city.
Design Research Studio Case Study 5: Development for an Innovation Economy; Tianjin, China
Recently the government has called for economic reform from a Keynesian to a more supply side market model. This shift will be driven by entrepreneurial innovation rather that government stimulation. This requires a new approach for the work environment geared toward the new start-up, shared synergies and the support of emerging technologies. This studio explored what this new environment might be like and the kinds of facilities that would support this emerging business world.